McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program

What is MDTP?

The McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program (MDTP) is a evidenced-based, systematic exercise therapy program for adults with swallowing problems.It is a high-intensity program that uses exercise-physiology and motor learning principles to safely and effectively advance oral intake of foods and liquids.

Who is MDTP for?

MDTP can be beneficial for adults with swallowing problems (dysphagia). MDTP was specifically designed for those with chronic dysphagia (longer than 6 months) and those who have failed at previous dysphagia interventions and want to return to eating. Studies have shown that a variety of patients can benefit from MDTP, including those with dysphagia as a result of stroke, TBI, Parkinson's disease, and head & neck cancer treatment.

What does the MDTP program look like?

The initial clinical swallow evaluation will last 60 minutes and will evaluate the client's swallow function. Clients will then need to undergo a Modified Barium Swallow Study with instructions from the Empowered Voice Rehabilitation clinician. Each follow-up treatment session will last 40-60 minutes. The client will have one-on-one therapy sessions 4 times/week for a total of 16 sessions. During these follow-up sessions, the client and the Speech-Language Pathologist work through a hierarchy of food and liquid consistencies in conjunction with swallowing exercises and techniques outlined by the MDTP protocol. The client will need to do the assigned “home program” every day.

If you are a candidate for the McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program, your clinician will be a certified MDTP provider. Speech-language pathologists that are not certified in MDTP can not provide this treatment program. Empowered Voice Rehabilitation LLC employs MDTP certified providers in order to be able to provide this approach to our patients.