Cognitive-communication services

What are cognitive-communication disorders?

Cognitive-communication disorders occur when the area(s) of the brain responsible for cognitive-linguistic skills is damaged. Cognitive-communication disorders can impact attention, orientation, memory, information processing, new learning, executive function skills, visuospatial skills, cognitive flexibility, and metacognition (awareness/insight).

Why do cognitive-communication disorders occur?

Cognitive-communication disorders occur for a variety of reasons including but not limited to: stroke, traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases, concussion, prolonged hospitalizations, dementia, side effect of other treatments (e.g., chemotherapy), drug toxicity, metabolic disorders, hormonal dysfunction, and infections (e.g., long-COVID).

What is the goal of treatment for individuals with cognitive-communication disorders?

The typical goal of intervention for individuals with cognitive-communication disorders is to achieve the highest level of independent function for participation in daily living. Treatment can be restorative and/or compensatory. Treatment techniques may include metacognitive skills training, compensatory strategy training, errorless learning, and caregiver/communication partner training.


Each Cognitive-Communication Evaluation includes: 

  • Extensive review of medical/clinical records to determine potential impact of medications and treatment of other medical diagnoses on cognitive & communicative function

  • Evaluation of the impact of cognitive and/or behavioral skills on safety and functionality of communication

  • Patient-reported outcome measures

  • Standardized assessment of language, attention, orientation, memory, information processing, new learning, executive function skills, visuospatial skills, cognitive flexibility, and metacognition (awareness/insight).

  • Recommendations for cognitive-communication intervention and support, as necessary

  • Recommendations for optimizing communication, cognitive function, and safety

  • Determination of need for further assessment to examine the impact of communication and/or cognition

  • Identification of need for referrals to other services or professionals to support optimal cognitive-communication outcomes

  • Counseling, education, and training to the client, health care providers, and caregivers

  • Detailed written evaluation outlining findings and recommendations

Cognitive-Communication Evaluations are 120 minutes in length. Cognitive-Communication Evaluations are best completed in-person, but can be modified to telehealth if absolutely necessary.

Cognitive-communication TREATMENT

Your personalized cognitive-communication treatment session will include: 

  • Development of personal goals related to cognition and communication to maximize quality of life

  • Development and implementation of a personalized treatment plan to maximize safety and efficiency of communication and cognitive skills

  • Counseling and advanced planning surrounding cognitive-communication management, as applicable

Treatment Sessions are 50 minutes in length and can be scheduled in-person or via tele-practice.

Note: A Cognitive-Communication Evaluation must be completed prior to booking Personalized Cognitive-Communication Treatment Session(s).